Archive for January, 2007|Monthly archive page

HIGS down south, for the Winter-een-mas

it’s a funny flashback:

HIGS had, at some indeterminable point in the past, a notice board at the Main Block. located in a prime location (a very big location) along the HELP corridors. Board number 44. typical ain’t it? smack between Football and i think it was Hockey? was a blank board unoccupied. even when HIGS abandoned the board nobody took it up!

our story today:

twas a milestone for HIGS. without much ceremony, HIGS setup our notice board (actually was a duplicate the design of the one at DSA, WH). big green words, we’re seen! some random photos of the yesteryear’s activities were posted up… oh joy… now all we need is a chapter of HIGS at Main Block…

speaking of which… HIGS would love to take advantage of WEmas festivities… what’s that, Wintereenmas? a chapter of HIGS is probably to do video/cyber gaming, i hope someone will take up the uh… gaming staff and od one for Wintereenmas? probably a LAN party in DSA for a week, or something else i dunno… checking out the CAD article, perhaps a revisit to all of gaming’s classics are at hand?

Volunteers for the project PLEASE contact us ASAP.

Upcoming ’07, gamer equip funds, etc

during lecture intermissions, most of us who frequent DSA will probably play some of the games stored there. but they are at a deplorable state. seeing this, HIGS is now trying to restock/replenish/replace these sad games. starting January 2007, we’ll have a “Gamers Equip Fund” (GEF); hopefully we’ll be able to add to DSA’s inventory… [MB] [WH]

HIGS intends to welcome ALL new intakes of 2007, somehow or rather. we’ll be participating in HELP’s Mass Clubs & Societies Membership Drive on the 8th & 9th of February 2007, to be held in Wisma HELP then the Main Block DSA. Current members please come to the booth to reaffirm your membership, new intakers please check us out; demos, talks, challenges await!

also in the month of February 2007, 3 tournaments will be organized by HIGS. namely the HELP Chess Team Qualifiers, HELP XiangQi Team Qualifiers, & HELP Scrabble Team Qualifiers. yes that’s alot of tournaments… details will be posted soon so stay tuned.

EDIT: we’ve entered the Clubs & Societies’ Notice Board Competition. so here‘s our current design. any volunteers, please contact us ASAP to help set it up.