Archive for June, 2005|Monthly archive page

‘Days Of Wonder’ Day


I have to admit, being outdated is one of my traits. For all the time that the internet has existed, I have only just created my very first blog today. (Albeit not without help from Josh). This blog has been set up at the request of all my fellow gamers who have been pestering me for a catalogue of designer games so that they may make informed-decisions in their selections. For a start, I have put up 5 games today, the best-selling-best-playing ones to date. And for each day that I can, i will continue to put up 5 more games. Pictures are limited and descriptions are short, just to show you that such a thing exists. For deeper delvings, click the links. It’ll lead you to more pics, reviews, downloadable rulebooks, fan creations, etc. Anything you need to ask, email me without hesitation. And yes, for those of you who were wondering, the reason why I made a catalogue out of a blog is because i don’t know how to make a proper website. Cheers to! XD
