Archive for August, 2005|Monthly archive page

What’s next?

4 of the most glorious days of gaming are over in the US. GENCON 2005 saw the release of many new and exciting products in the boardgames and collectable games line. Perhaps the most publicised and hyped-up event of the show was the release of the Axis and Allies Miniatures, whose booth featured life size replicas of WWII vehicles and even a the bombed out ruins of a French Cathedral’s ruins. See the whole range of miniatures at the Avalon Hill website. For boardgames, the main releases were Eagle Games Conquest of the Empire and Railroad Tycoon. For Fantasy Flight, it was Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and the World of Warcraft boardgame. Both games epic in their own right with oversized boxes ( TI3 size). But overall, i think the aspect of Gencon that people cherish the most will be the demos and news of games to come in the near future. What’s next after Gencon? Essen 2005, Germany. Welcome to the home of the German boardgame revolution.


Beowulf (Coming in October)