Archive for September, 2006|Monthly archive page

Respawn complete, unit germination underway.

excuse the clique gaming title, but we do have reason to be excited! our membership drives were successful, people know we’re here to stay… and grow on them. As promised, the month of September will see HIGS kick-ff it’s main activities! here’s a lowdown…

Every Thursday, 15:00-17:00 our main weekly gaming sessions are on! for this first month, we’ll be having them at Wisma HELP’s DSA. For everyone’s invited! we’ll be meeting and perhaps discussion events, or just plain playing games, board/card games, even indoor games like of… well anything so long you don’t break a nose. 😐 for the uninitiated we’ll bemore than willing to teach you how to use those Foosball & Pool tables… if YOU’ve something you’d like to share, bring it along! and if you’re willing to lug that laptop/console around, why not? 😉

IF response is great enough, we’ll open gaming sessions at the afore mentioned times at BOTH Main Block’s DSA and Wisma HELP’s DSA; we’ve had that on the drawing board some time.

we’re also preparing to have dedicated gaming sessions (or an excuse to have multiple HIGS gaming sessions), so let yourself be known for the game you’re interested in. be it chess, scrabble (those high-skool classics), some designer boardgames (hail olde-skool HIGS!), carroms, pool, foosball, TCGs? or something entirely new?! let us know!

and around the corner, Tournaments! i can’t say much now but… perhaps at a later date.

official new eMail & Flickr Group!

HIGS now has an official-correspondence-eMail and a public Flickr-Group! here’s a lowdown…
* check here for updates if any?

    mail.gifit’s now the official/main eMail you should use to contact us; or the eMail of one of the commitee members if it takes too long for a response; should all else fail, simply come find us during our weekly gaming sessions; check the About page.
  • HIGS Flickr group!
    pulser2.gif this is the Flickr group for the “HELP Indoor Games Society”. here one may discuss HIGS’ related activities and interests; members would be most encouraged to add photos regarding HIGS events and/or interests to our pool. it’s a public-free-join group, so just visit the page and hit the “join group” button.