Archive for August, 2006|Monthly archive page

HIGS membership drive~!


ah, finally! the membership drive is on! on a rather hurried note, we will have a little stand-up booth on Monday 10:00-14:00 at HELP’s Main Block; somewhere along the corridor, near that iconicwater cooler. here we’ll sip water and have some simple water cooler talk (kidding ok?). after halftime, the second-half will be this Friday 12:00-14:00 at Wisma HELP’s DSA! so that’s…

  • Monday 10:00-14:00 @HELP’s Main Block
  • Friday 12:00-14:00 @Wisma HELP’s DSA

the aim? to promote HIGS and the fact we exist… the common misconception that HELP Indoor Games Society only handles board games and/or computer games plus related geekery is misleading indeed. we cater for any game one may play indoors, hence behind a door. no, a room without a door still counts (i handled that one by defining a door: an opening by which one enters the given room, regardless of form) How’s some examples?

we have the usual paraphernalia of board games as does DSA; there’s the usual Chess, Chinese Chess (Xiang Qi), Scrabble, Monopoly, etc…Designer/Specialty games such as El Grande, Memoir ’44, Ticket to Ride, etc. and most possibly card games as Taboo, Uno, TCGs, etc… and what did you know? surely any resident of the DSA would have wondered: is Pool/Fusball an indoor game? why YES! 😀 oh glady so!

We’ve tentatively tabled our bi-monthly meetings as follows…

  • Every 2nd week of the Month: Thursday 16:00-17:30 @Wisma HELP DSA
  • Every 4th week of the Month: Thursday 16:00-17:30 @Main Block DSA

some of the stuff already on the drawing board:

  • Fusball/Pool/Carroms Workshops/Tournaments
  • Chess/Scrabble Workshops/Tournaments
  • Chess Variants workshops
  • Designer games initiation
  • e-Games intros (computer and platform)
  • design-a-game contests
  • inter-college activities exchange
  • HELP Indoor Olympics?

enough hype already?! cool… so see you there. remember we need YOU to make it happen. make yourself count 😉

[EDIT 11.08.2006] we’re pretty happy to announce the drive was a relative success, with 57 registrants. and many more possible walk-ins the next actual HIGS convention! i’d like to note that the new HIGS sessions might be changed to a more suitable time; as not only students want to join but the STAFF of HELP too! Read related article of Day TWO!